The Pedagogical Refinery


[A Thought Partner For All Things Human]

Through human-centered frameworks, designs, and methods, The Pedagogical Refinery offers ways to think outside of the box by leveraging design thinking, research, and evidence-based approaches to develop meaningful, relevant, and efficient roadmaps to create opportunity and cultivate a positive culture


Developed from GV’s 'Design Sprint'

Combining Educational Practices with Entrepreneurial Processes Through:

  • Idea Exploration & Validation

  • Information Conceptualization

  • Quality Assurance Frameworks

  • Innovative Training Techniques

  • Branding & Workshop Design

  • Research, Assessment, & Data

Our Approach


Developed from GV’s 'Design Sprint'



What is your problem, purpose, & burning questions? Research, identify & implement innovative practices & leadership studies that are relevant & essential to the continuation of leading, learning, & evolving.



It is important to pay attention to themes across all aspects of your work. Utilize differentiated, design-thinking approaches that change the way solutions are discovered by remaining human-centered & systemically strategic.

Developed from GV’s 'Design Sprint'



There is a method to your madness. Synthesize what has yet to be tried to create possibilities & opportunities by focusing on identifying the right problems, generating the best solutions, & validating quality ideas.

Developed from GV’s 'Design Sprint'


Developed from GV’s 'Design Sprint'



Organizing your potential helps results become clearer. Strive to provide clarity to your end discovery through aligning your key objectives with the results created.


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Do you have…

An Idea You Need to Validate?

A Workshop You Want to Create?

Details You Need to Conceptualize?

Information You Need to Synthesize?

A Branded Identity That Needs Designing?