Ten Quick Ways to Analyze Children’s Books for Sexism and Racism
“No author can be entirely objective. All authors write from a cultural as well as from a personal context…. “With any book in question, read carefully to determine whether the direction of the author’s perspective substantially weakens or strengthens the value of his/her written work”
Prior to many of the stories we read in my class, we learn a little bit about the author who wrote the story. This background information can help us understand why they wrote the type of story, or reasons why they wrote the story in the way they did. This offers opportunities for my learners to apply connections from one person to their creation. It also allows for them to empathize and make connections from their own lives to the story and/or author. This makes the selection of stories and authors that much more important, because human beings should see themselves within stories and authors.
Rather than pass judgements, seek out understanding.
Council on the Interracial Books for Children. (1974). Ten quick ways to analyze children’s books for sexism and racism. [Brochure]. New York, NY. Council on the Interracial Books for Children.